What is Japanese style Juice Cleanse, Koso Cleanse?

Juice cleanses have been gaining much interest, Social media, documentaries and other videos relating health and wei...

The Practice of Fermentation in Japan

Fermentation has been an integral aspect of Japanese culture and cuisine. In many fermentation facilities, the practice of fermentation has been developed and refined to enhance the aroma, texture, taste, overall quality, and passed on for generations. Fermented whole foods are not only a source of healthy proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients which are active biochemical components that might help prevent us from getting disease and keep our body function properly, but also a source of health-enhancing nutrients, probiotics, prebiotics, and enzymes. Fermentation is a process which holds immense therapeutic potential.

How is juice cleanses beneficial?

Koso cleanse is the traditional Japanese method to rest your digestive system, support liver, and replenish? intestinal health by using KOSO drink. KOSO drink is a fermented beverage using traditional Japanese method. It contains variety of nutrient such as vitamins, minerals, probiotics, prebiotics, and amino acids. KOSO cleanse has more than 100 years of history in Japan. People of all ages use KOSO drink to lose weight, detox, increase energy, and so on. Check out our next blog to know more about Kose Clease! 
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