My Story

In 2018, I moved to NY from Tokyo with my family to chase my American dream. In a really short time, my lifestyle changed and my eating habits changed drastically : before I knew it, I’d gained 10lbs and started to feel like my health was declining. I suffered from frequent diarrhea, poor sleep, and very low energy, which impacted my work and my mood. It felt as if my body was filled with toxins. I was sluggish and unfocused. I knew something needed to change.

I started to look for a solution. I experimented a lot with nutritional supplements and various other things, but nothing seemed to work. My wife recommended that I try the juice cleanse she’d used to prepare for our wedding—a Japanese fermented drink called Koso. Koso is a fermented beverage created about 100 years ago in Japan. It’s rich in prebiotics, probiotics, and enzymes that help digestion and gut health. It’s traditionally been used by those who didn’t have access to nutrient-dense foods but has become a popular choice among the young and health conscious.

At first, I really couldn't imagine giving up food for a liquid diet— I’m a foodie and truly LOVE food! But in my desperation, I tried it and was AMAZED at the results!

After the cleanse, I felt completely renewed. I lost 6 pounds and my digestive issues were almost gone. I’d also been suffering from mild eczema but it cleared up. And my Koso cleanse also seems to have boosted my immunity— I’ve rarely caught a cold since incorporating Koso into my lifestyle. My mood has been lifted, I sleep well, and I’ve become super energetic. I experienced several , immediate effects that I’ve been able to sustain— which is why I continue to Koso -cleanse, drinking it every morning as breakfast. Other than this, I continue to enjoy all of the foods I love.

I am so happy to bring the wisdom of a time honored Japanese secret to every person in America. R’s KOSO is made from over 100 vegetables, fruits, and plants, including seaweed and mushrooms, and undergoes a 1-year fermentation process. It’s worked so well for me, so I invite you to give it a try— let’s start transforming our health today! Health is the promise of happiness.


Ryu Okada Founder of R's KOSO, Inc.

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