【Healthy Gut Recipe】Postbiotic Ginger Chia Seeds Lemonade

Today, we’re going to share a postbiotic ginger chia seeds lemonade recipe. This easy recipe is perfect for improving your digestion and increasing your energy level while enjoying a tasty beverage that contains R's KOSO. 

Here is how the ingredients in this drink support gut health.



Lemons are high in vitamin C and contain soluble fiber, which aids digestion. They also stimulate bile production, helping break down food more efficiently and supporting healthy gut function.



Ginger has powerful anti-inflammatory properties and promotes healthy digestion by relaxing the smooth muscles in the gut. It can help reduce bloating and improve the movement of food through the digestive tract.


Chia Seeds

Chia seeds are rich in fiber, particularly soluble fiber, which feeds healthy gut bacteria and promotes regular bowel movements. They also help in absorbing water, creating a gel-like substance that aids digestion.




Water 1 cup

R’s KOSO 1 tablespoon (R's KOSO lower sugar 2 teaspoons)

Lemon 1/2

Ginger grated 1 teaspoon

Chia seeds 1 teaspoon


Add combine everything together and enjoy


Postbiotic ginger chia seeds lemonade with the added benefits of R's KOSO is a simple and refreshing way to support your gut and keep you feeling great.


Let’s get started!

Recipe by Eriko Shintani

Certified holistic nutritionist/Holistic nutrition advisor
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/vegefuldays/

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