【Healthy gut recipe】Postbiotic Azuki and Job’s Tears Tea

Today, we’re sharing a nourishing and unique drink that not only tastes amazing but is also great for your gut health – Postbiotic Azuki and Job’s Tears Tea. This recipe is packed with wholesome ingredients and, of course, the power of R’s KOSO postbiotics to keep your digestive system happy and healthy.

Each ingredient has its own special benefits for your gut and overall health. Let me explain why they’re so amazing.

Job’s tears

This ancient grain, also known as Chinese pearl barley, is packed with fiber and antioxidants. The high fiber content helps promote regular digestion and feeds the good bacteria in your gut, acting as a prebiotic. It also contains compounds that support your immune system, making it perfect for staying healthy during the colder months.

It is used in traditional herbal medicine as an antipyretic, analgesic, and anti-inflammatory agent to help alleviate pain and numbness, making it effective for conditions such as arthritis and rheumatism. Recent studies also suggest its potential benefits in reducing allergies and improving atopic dermatitis

Azuki beans

These small red beans are a powerhouse of plant-based protein, fiber, and essential nutrients like folate and potassium. Azuki beans are fantastic for gut health because their fiber helps maintain regular digestion and supports the growth of beneficial gut bacteria. Plus, they have a naturally sweet flavor that makes this tea extra comforting and delicious.


Mandarin oranges

They’re a great source of vitamin C and antioxidants, which help reduce inflammation and support your immune system. The natural sweetness and citrusy aroma of the orange peel will infuse our tea with a refreshing flavor while also adding digestive benefits.


This Japanese fermented drink is rich in nutrients such as prebiotics, probiotics, and postbiotics. These nutrients help balance your gut microbiome, improve digestion, and enhance nutrient absorption. Adding R’s KOSO to this tea turns it into a gut-health powerhouse that’s perfect for winter wellness.

Serve your Postbiotic Job’s Tears and Azuki Tea warm in your favorite mug. This drink is cozy, nourishing, and packed with gut-loving ingredients that support digestion, immunity, and overall wellness.

Cheers to a healthy gut and a happy winter season. This recipe is a wonderful way to take care of your digestive health while enjoying something warm and comforting.



Ingredients (2 servings)

R's KOSO original 2 tablespoons (R's KOSO lower sugar 4 teaspoons)

Job's tears 2 Tablespoons

Azuki beans 2 Tablespoons

Mandarin orange 1 orange

Water 500ml



1. Rinse Jab's tears and azuki beans. Soak them with water for at least 30 minutes. 

2. Add all the ingredients, except for R's KOSO, to a pot and bring to a boil.

3. Once it starts boiling, reduce the heat and simmer for 1 hour until azuki. beans are soft.

4. Let the mixture cool, then add R's KOSO.



Let’s get started!

Written by Eriko Shintani

Certified holistic nutritionist/Holistic nutrition advisor

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/vegefuldays/

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