How gut health supports muscle growth

When it comes to building and maintaining muscle, most people immediately think of increasing their protein intake. While protein is indeed essential for muscle growth, focusing solely on protein consumption overlooks a crucial factor: proper absorption.

As Juan explained in the video, without a healthy gut, your body cannot effectively absorb the nutrients you consume, no matter how much protein you take in.

In this blog, we will explore the vital role of gut health in muscle maintenance and growth, and provide you with three tips to optimize your gut health for better muscle outcomes.


The Importance of Proper Protein Absorption

Protein is made up of amino acids, which are the building blocks of muscle tissue. For your muscles to utilize these amino acids, they need to be absorbed efficiently by your digestive system. If your gut health is compromised, nutrient absorption is hindered, meaning that even the best diet and protein supplements may not deliver the desired results. This is where gut health becomes a critical component in muscle maintenance and growth.


How Gut Health Supports Muscle Growth

A healthy gut microbiome aids in the breakdown and absorption of nutrients, including proteins. It also plays a role in reducing inflammation and regulating hormones that impact muscle metabolism.

Here's how gut health specifically supports muscle growth.

1. Nutrient Absorption: A balanced gut microbiome improves the integrity of the gut lining, ensuring efficient nutrient absorption.

2. Reduced Inflammation: A healthy gut reduces systemic inflammation, promoting quicker muscle recovery.

3. Hormonal Balance: Gut health influences the production of hormones like insulin and cortisol, which are vital for muscle metabolism and stress response.


3 essential tips to support muscle growth

To ensure your gut is in top shape to support muscle growth, here are three essential tips.


Tip 1: Increase Intake of Prebiotics

Prebiotics are non-digestible fibers that feed the beneficial bacteria in your gut. By promoting the growth of these bacteria, prebiotics enhance gut health and improve nutrient absorption.

Foods rich in prebiotics include:

Garlic and Onions: These vegetables are excellent sources of inulin, a type of prebiotic fiber.

Bananas: Particularly when slightly green, bananas provide resistant starch that acts as a prebiotic.

Asparagus and Leeks: Both are rich in prebiotic fibers that promote gut health.


Tip 2: Increase Consumption of Postbiotics

Postbiotics are the beneficial byproducts produced by gut bacteria during fermentation. They include compounds like short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs), which have anti-inflammatory properties and enhance nutrient absorption. Incorporating postbiotics into your diet can be as simple as consuming fermented foods or postbiotic drinks like R's KOSO, which is rich in postbiotics.

Benefits of postbiotics include:

Improved Digestion: Postbiotics help break down food more efficiently, ensuring better nutrient absorption.

Reduced Inflammation: SCFAs produced by postbiotics help lower inflammation, aiding in muscle recovery.

Immune Support: A healthy gut boosted by postbiotics supports overall immune function, reducing the likelihood of illness that can disrupt your training.


Tip 3: Increase Consumption of Fiber to Boost Prebiotics and Postbiotics

Fiber is essential for a healthy digestive system and acts as a prebiotic by feeding beneficial gut bacteria. A high-fiber diet not only promotes the production of prebiotics but also enhances the creation of postbiotics.

Here are some fiber-rich foods to include in your diet:

Whole Grains: Oats, quinoa, and brown rice are excellent sources of dietary fiber.

Fruits and Vegetables: Apples, berries, carrots, and leafy greens are packed with fiber.

Legumes: Beans, lentils, and chickpeas are rich in both fiber and protein.


Incorporating R's KOSO for Optimal Gut Health

R's KOSO is a postbiotic-rich supplement that can enhance your gut health and support muscle growth. It also contains prebiotics, probiotics, and polyphenols that support gut health. 

By incorporating R's KOSO into your daily routine, you can:

Boost Protein Absorption: R's KOSO aids in the digestion and absorption of proteins, ensuring that your muscles receive the necessary amino acids for growth and repair.

Reduce Inflammation: The anti-inflammatory properties of postbiotics in R's KOSO help reduce muscle soreness and promote faster recovery.

Support Immune Health: A robust immune system supported by a healthy gut means fewer disruptions to your training regimen due to illness.

If you want to build muscle, we recommend adding 1 oz of KOSO to 10-15 oz of water in a bottle and taking it with you to your workout. Juan drinks R's KOSO with small amount of water before, during, and after workout. You can purchase the gym-safe R's KOSO bottle, which allows you to easily measure the amount of R's KOSO to add, from here.



Focusing solely on protein intake for muscle growth is like building a house without a solid foundation. Gut health plays a crucial role in ensuring that the nutrients you consume are effectively absorbed and utilized by your body. By increasing your intake of prebiotics, postbiotics, and probiotics, you can optimize your gut health and support your muscle maintenance and growth goals.

Incorporating R's KOSO into your diet is an excellent way to enhance your gut health and reap the benefits of improved nutrient absorption and reduced inflammation. Remember, a holistic approach to nutrition considers the interconnectedness of our bodily systems, and maintaining a healthy gut is foundational to overall well-being and physical fitness.


Related blog

The Link Between Physical Activity and a Healthy Gut



Let’s get started!

Written by Eriko Shintani

Certified holistic nutritionist/Holistic nutrition advisor

Prokopidis, K., Giannos, P., Kirwan, R., Ispoglou, T., Galli, F., Witard, O. C., Triantafyllidis, K. K., Kechagias, K. S., Morwani-Mangnani, J., Ticinesi, A., & Isanejad, M. (2023). Impact of probiotics on muscle mass, muscle strength and lean mass: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Journal of cachexia, sarcopenia and muscle14(1), 30–44.

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