【RECIPE】R's KOSO Lower Sugar Strawberry Popsicles

You might think that strawberries contain a lot of sugar because they are sweet. That's not true. 

Strawberries only contain 1/3 of sugar found in apples and 1/2 of sugar found in blueberries and oranges. 

The secret is the aroma compounds strawberries contain. There are hundreds of aroma compounds in strawberries. These aroma compounds tell your brain that strawberries are sweet. 


Ingredients (Serve 4)

Frozen or fresh strawberries 2 cups

R's KOSO Lower Sugar  1 tablespoon

Greek Yogurt 1/4 cup

Mint leaves 8~10 leaves

Cacao nibs 1~2 tablespoons *optional

Honey 1/2 tablespoon *optional



1. Put strawberries, greek yogurt, mint, and R's KOSO in a blender and blend until smooth (add honey if you like it sweeter)

2. Pour the mixture into the mold

3. Add cacao nibs (optional)

4. Leave in the freezer for at least 2 hours 


Snack healthy :)


Let's get started! 

R's KOSO lower sugar


Recipe by Eriko Shintani
Certified holistic nutritionist/Holistic nutrition advisor
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/vegefuldays/

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