The Microbiome Diet: Healthy Gut for Pre/Post Cleanse

What type of diets are recommended during the cleanse? 

3 days cleanse is the most common and friendly cleanse that we can try without being overwhelmed. 3 days cleanse, you consume nothing but koso drink for three days. It is important to follow recommended diet before and after the 3 days japanese juice cleanse to optimize the cleanse protocol and maximize the beneficial results. At least 1-2 days prior to a cleanse and following 3 days after a cleanse, it is highly recommended that we avoid consuming meat/dairy products, gluten, processed/artificial foods, alcohol, oily foods, sugar/sweets, caffeinated foods/beverages as well as medications (with consultation from your primary healthcare provider). This is generally known to be standard practise for more holistic cleanses. However, given the restrictive nature of this diet, many people find it difficult to achieve/maintain this regimen. Here, we will shed light onto the reasons why certain foods are prohibited not only during cleanses, but before and after the cleanses, while other foods are considered beneficial and conducive to the detoxification process. 


Why should we consume certain foods before, during, and after a cleanse? during a cleanse? 

When we start a cleanse, we do so with the intention of feeling more energized, boosting our immune system, being healthier and addressing some health issues. In order to succeed in a cleanse, it involves consuming foods and beverages which are conducive of good health and vitality. These are foods that protect and potentiate the healthy function of the major organs involved in the detoxification process, such as the gastrointestinal tract, the liver, the kidneys and the skin. 

The gastrointestinal

The gastrointestinal tract plays an important role in our health and wellbeing, so it is important that we consume foods which support its repair and function. Fermented foods promote a healthy gut microflora by providing prebiotics, probiotics and nutrients to our gastrointestinal tract. In addition to providing the probiotics with nourishment, prebiotics promote regular bowel movement which is important for the cleansing process. This is also why consumption of vegetables and fungi such as mushrooms are strongly recommended in the cleanse protocol. There is immense scientific evidence supporting a diet rich in fresh fruits, vegetables for longevity and preventing against a plethora of chronic diseases. Importantly, it is not recommended that you consume commercially processed fruits and vegetables, such as “vegetable stick chips”, fries, canned soups, fruit juices and gummies because they lack the natural fibre and nutrients that are found in the whole food. Furthermore, they are likely to contain artificial preservatives, colorants and other unnecessary ingredients. If you enjoy consuming juice, smoothies and soups, it is highly recommended that you make your own from scratch. However, avoid consuming too much fruits as they are naturally higher in sugar, and it is important to maintain a balanced diet throughout the cleanse. Examples of foods recommended for the diet include salad with beans, detox soup, vegetable smoothie and fruit salad. 

The liver

The liver is a major organ for our body’s detoxification. It metabolizes nutrients, prescription drugs and other xenobiotics so that the substances can pass through the kidneys and get excreted in urine. The cytochrome p450 pathway is a well-known 2-step detox pathway which occurs in our liver. In the first step, the compound forms a highly reactive intermediate; in the second step, this highly reactive intermediate is transformed into a water-soluble form that can pass through the nephrons of the kidneys for excretion. Liver supporting foods include legumes (such as beans, tofu), nuts and seeds (such as sesame, nuts) as well as whole grains. If these foods are usually difficult to digest, you can consider consuming fermented or sprouted versions of these foods. For example, natto, tempeh, sprouted nuts and seeds can provide you with more digestible liver-supporting nourishment. 

The kidneys

The kidneys are also important for our body’s detoxification, as it filters out our body’s wastes from tissues, organs and the blood and eliminates it from our system. It is important to consume kidney supporting foods which are rich in antioxidants, nutrients and naturally occurring electrolytes. Fruits such as apples, blueberries and vegetables such as sweet potatoes, potatoes, kale are beneficial and recommended for the Koso Cleanse. Furthermore, adding Himalayan salt to foods is strongly advised, as it is a source of essential minerals and electrolytes such as sodium. Seaweed is also strongly recommended as it is highly nutritious, a source of antioxidants and provides iodine, which is important for supporting normal thyroid function. The thyroid is a tissue that secretes hormones to regulate our growth, energy and reproduction. 



During the KOSO Cleanse, certain foods are recommended over others, because they support the healthy function of key organs involved in the detoxification process. These organs include the gastrointestinal system, liver, kidney and thyroid. A healthy and clean diet is a holistic approach to promoting overall health and wellbeing. Thus, to optimize the cleanse protocol and maximize the beneficial results, it is important to follow the recommended diet plan guidelines. 
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